Naama Millennium Preparatory School was founded by Dr. Christopher Kigongo, who supported
it for several years primarily by utilizing income from a medical clinic he operated in Mityana. This pay back to the
community was supplemented by modest tuition fees paid by the pupils if they were able. Fees collection
was based on a strategic policy aimed at discouraging dependence by encouraging parents and guardians to pay fees while
ensuring that no child is denied quality education offered by the school. The practice is that no pupil is sent home
for non-payment of the fees instead, children who are absent are sought by the teacher!
The School management understands the circumstance of the homes from which
the pupils come and works with the parents to ensure children stay in school. Teacher pay home visits
to pupils to dialogue with the parents, encouraging them to pay fees, help the pupils and generally assess the home environment
for their pupils. It is believed that education is most effective if offered both home and school compliment
each other's efforts; school and homes teammates and work synergistically.
The medical practice closed in 2005 opening a gap in school funding. Emergency
efforts have been used to keep the school going and growing but these have been short lived.
At this time, the school is in need of help to meet the daily demands and
sustain the momentum attained. In addition, new program are under consideration for older pupils who may not be able
to continue their education beyond the Naama exposure. These older pupils must leave with skill sets which
enable them to settle in communities as independent citizen who can plan their lives and unreservedly confront the
future with confidence.
founding in 2001:
Naama Millennium
School had a humble beginning; it was accommodated in a refurbished commercial building, taught on improvised blackboards,
and employed less than a handful of teachers. It had no play ground and play materials for the pupils e.g.
drums and soccer balls. It was the determination of Ms. Margaret Musoke, the headmistress, that hastened its start and
we applaud her confidence, experience and networks.
By fall of 2011 (one decade since establishment)
Every year since it began in 2001, with 77 children in four classes
and five teachers, including head teacher, Naama Millennium School has expanded and more than quadrupling in 2011 to
480 pupils taught by 10 teachers and 2 support staff. Among children who have lost one or both parents, the increase has been
nine-fold, increasing from 13 to 160.
It has been able to define its strength namely: Care for its
teachers; pupil centered policies in particular " the practice of following kids who happen to be absent from school"; the
considerate approach to fees collection among others. Despite the inadequate buildings, its graduates are sought by
secondary school. Pupils achieve twice the average passing rate on national Primary Leaving Examination
(PLE) compared to the public school.
The second decade is going to be committed to infrastructural
development; expanding classrooms, ensure safe accommodation for distant pupils, get running water and
electricity into the school.
Naama Millennium School Mityana Uganda